In II B. Tech I Semester (R13 regulation), the syllabus of the subject ‘Computer Aided Engineering Drawing Practice’ consists of two majors portions:

1. Unit I to III (PART A) – Conventional drawing pattern
2. Unit IV to VI (PART B) – Computer lab pattern using any drafting packages

The distribution of internal and external marks is 30 marks and 70 marks respectively and both internal and external examination of the subject is conducted at the concerned college in the following pattern:

Internal Evaluation: Max. Marks: 30
The total internal evaluation marks are distributed in following two components:
1. Day-to-day work : 20 marks
2. Internal test : 10 marks
  • I Mid (Internal Test 1) Examination Part A - Conventional drawing Exam
  • II Mid (Internal Test 2) Examination Part B - In Computer Lab

Note: The duration of the internal test is 2 hours and it must be conducted as per the schedules notified. The internal test may be conducted for 40 marks and it may be reduced to 10 marks.

End Semester Examination : (Total Duration: 4 Hours, Max. Marks: 70)

  • PART A – Conventional drawing pattern (Duration: 2 Hours, Marks: 35)
  • PART B – Computer lab pattern using any drafting packages (Duration: 2 Hours, Marks: 35)

Note: both PART A and PART B are compulsory and are to be conducted in separate sessions.

Since the pattern of the internal and external examination is not specified in the R13 academic regulations, the clarification is herewith furnished.

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